139 of the 5,000 NSCDC graduates that were hired in Katsina

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Out of the more than 5000 recruits the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) in Katsina graduated two officers and 137 soldiers in 2023.

“International Civil Defence Day” fell on Friday, the same day as the Passing Out Parade at the Federal Secretariat in Katsina.

Malam Dikko Umaru Radda, the governor of Katsina, gave a speech during the event and congratulated the new intake on finishing the program successfully.

He brought to their attention the

The NSCDC plays a critical role in preserving peace and security, and they are urged to work with other authorities to address the security issues facing the state.

Through Dr. Nasir Mu’azu, his Commissioner for Home Affairs and Internal Security, Governor Radda urged the people of the state to work with his administration in obtaining and disseminating intelligence data.

“Without such cooperation, addressing the prevailing insecurity will be quite difficult,” the speaker emphasized.

“The new officers had for the past six months undergone a series of drills; weapon handling and academic activities, guided by dedicated instructors to produce these agile, and disciplined officers, that will contribute to the security of lives and properties,” said Jamilu Indabawa, the NSCDC Commandant in Katsina, during his remarks at the Passing Out Parade.

He also revealed that the Immigration, Fire, and Correctional Service Boards’ sibling security organizations worked together to recruit the new personnel.

The commandant of the Katsina NSCDC reassured the public of the organization’s readiness to fight crime throughout Katsina State and reminded the new recruits of their responsibility as protectors of vital national infrastructure and assets.

Commandant Indabawa conveyed his appreciation for the federal and state governments’ contributions to improving the state’s law and order.

He also expressed his gratitude to the people of Katsina State for their unwavering support.

ACG Babangida Abdullahi, the Commandant of the NSCDC Peace and Disaster Management Training College in Katsina, represented Ahmed Audi, the Commandant-General of the NSCDC, at the function.

Along with other dignitaries, the Emirs of Daura, HRH Umar Faruq Umar, and Katsina, HRH Abdulmumini Kabir, were also present at the function.

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