2023 saw N5.3 billion in seizures secured by FOU Zone C Customs Command

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In 2023, the Nigeria Customs Service’s Federal Operations Unit (FOU) Zone C Command recovered N5.3 billion in seizures.

This was revealed by Comptroller Kayode Kolade in a statement that examined the operations of the Command from January of last year.

Pangolin scales, foreign parboiled rice, cannabis sativa (Indian hemp), counterfeit pharmaceuticals, tramadol, used cars, used tires, used apparel, and raw ingredients for explosives were among the things confiscated.

He mentioned that the South East and South South commands, which include Bayelsa, Port Harcourt 1 and 2, Edo, Delta, Cross River, and Akwa Ibom, stepped up their crackdown on smugglers, leading to massive seizures during the time under review.

Throughout that time, 13 alleged smugglers were detained by the force operating under his direction.

The statement went on to say, “The value of the goods intercepted was N2.7 billion, and the remaining N61.4 million was for demand notices the Command raised based on some infractions.”

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