The Nigerian Army trained 12,500 soldiers in 2023

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About 12,500 soldiers were trained in 2023, according to Major General Mohammed Aminu Abdullahi, Commandant of the Nigerian Army Depot.

According to him, people who have received training are actively assisting with national security and defense.

The revelation was made by Major General Mohammed Aminu Abdullahi during the 2023 West African Social Activities (WASA) at the Depot Parade Ground in Zaria.

He claims that the trained soldiers were assigned to different activities and units within the Nigerian Army, and that the 86th Regular Recruits Intake is presently undergoing another round of training.

“In 2024, the Depot Nigerian Army will intensify its efforts in alignment with the Chief of Army Staff’s philosophy, which aims to transform the Army towards fulfilling its constitutional obligations in a collaborative setting,” he declared.

During his speech, the Special Guest of Honor, Brig.-Gen. Aliyu Jibril, Commandant of the Nigerian Army School of Military Police, emphasized the significance of professionalism and commitment to the fundamental principles of the military, which include selflessness, bravery, discipline, and respect for others.

He emphasized the vital role played by the military in upholding peace and stability throughout Nigeria and urged the officers and troops to stay strong and focused in the face of adversity.

He gave his word about the Nigerian Army’s wider commitment to maintaining the best conduct standards and operational efficacy in all of its tasks.

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