A woman describes how the nanny she hired left because she was horny and unable to go out and engage in sexual activity

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Chinenye Azubike, a businesswoman from Nigeria, described how the nanny she hired resigned because she was unable to leave the house for sex and was thus deprived of it.

Chinenye shared her story on Facebook and said that having a nice nanny is a blessing for families.

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She said that because of the enormous duty of caring for the children while still operating her company, she was obliged to hire a nanny for her kids since she was losing lucrative employment.

The lady, a single mother of four, made the decision to leave her work immediately after hiring a new nanny.

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She said that she made many attempts to persuade her to remain there, including offering to enroll her kids in school, but she was adamant about leaving.

The agency who put her in touch with the nanny contacted many months later and begged her to accept her back.

When asked why she left, the nanny allegedly said that the home was too orderly and she was desperate to go outside and have sex.

“I believe that parents in Nigeria who have a competent nanny are the wealthiest parents.

Finding a competent nanny who treats your kids like their own mother is like searching for a committed spouse.

This year, I raised my children to do their tasks better while going five months without a nanny.

It wasn’t simple, and it caused me to stop caring about my romantic life.

It’s fortunate that my twin daughter, who I always believed to be born tiny, gained weight.

I discovered that these nannies eat all the proteins I purchase! My kids are genuinely starved while they are having fun.

In those five months, Ella mastered the art of cooking for her siblings. My youngster has learned how to start the generator and toss the trash can while making sure the home is securely fastened.

They all organize the rooms while the twin girl sweeps the home.

I was losing excellent employment, and my workload was increasing.

Rent was due and I nearly had to be evicted owing to my poor financial situation. I began searching for a nanny since I needed someone to watch these children while I work.

She is a Hausa from the Plateau and I have one at last. Before I started working fully again, I spent a month with her. You all recall that I stated we were sipping on lovely, nutritious hausa beverages and steady kunu.

What took place? This girl made the choice to go. Why? She refused to speak.

What took place? She remained silent. You’re leaving, why? None, ma. She was also sobbing.

She is a single mother of 4 in the village at the moment. My mother requested that she bring her children to Lagos so that she could enroll them in school and teach them to work for her.

This lady sobbed and thanked my mother as she rolled around on the ground. I am aware that my mum did it so I could hire a babysitter. I know.

She informed me that she was going, and I wished her the best of luck.

I made a new start in life. See, it’s not easy being a parent, a mother, and a nanny! Imagine having to worry about everything, including rent, school costs, clothing, medical expenses, your own life and the lives of others, material to publish, weight loss, and finding a good partner.

There is also no nanny.

I usually say that because I work so hard that I lose sight of my vagina.

Why am I writing this, though?

The agent has been pleading with me to take the woman back over the phone. What motivated her to leave? She said that since my home is so orderly and she was horny, she couldn’t go outside to have sex.

I was astonished and furious. Why did she not inform me? What exists? Since I am a woman, I would completely get if she requested a break to go out and have fun.

She has been phoning me and sobbing that I am a wonderful lady, rare to find, and that she has tried to entice me with various nice platitudes, but I am too intelligent for such.

In Nigeria, there are no jobs, yet I often ponder why so many people don’t want to work. I’m unsure.

Again, you are quite fortunate if you have a decent nanny.

They’ve never worked out for me, and I’ve come to terms with it. No, I’m not evil or nasty, but some of us are just living on the opposite side of the coin, where there is no balance.

A terrible evening

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