Six thousand six hundred sixty eight metric tons of illegal drugs were seized in a two year period by the NDLEA

At least 6,668 metric tons of illegal chemicals have been confiscated in only the past two years by NDLEA agents.

The NDLEA’s spokesperson, Femi Babafemi, released a statement on Friday detailing the agency’s arrests and prosecutions, which totaled 36,096 and 6,043, respectively.

The statement claims that “the Chairman of the anti-narcotics agency, Brig. Gen. Buba Marwa (Rtd), disclosed this while responding to a request for partnership and deployment of more NDLEA officers in all parts of Katsina State by Governor Dikko Radda to tame the problem of drug abuse.”

“The drug epidemic is a major problem that has wreaked havoc on our young people and neighborhoods. Its criminal character, in particular, has become the public’s top opponent. To commit at least some of their crimes, 99 percent of criminals need to have access to narcotics and be under the influence.

As a result, “the NDLEA, with the full backing of the directorates and the management, has committed itself fully to operation ‘offensive action.'” This entails going out and seizing any and all drugs that are being grown, imported, or on the approach of being exported.

We have already removed over 6,668 metric tons of pharmaceuticals from circulation in just two years, and we promise to keep at it until we succeed. More than 36,096 individuals have been detained and more than 6,043 have already been prosecuted and convicted within this period, all in the name of reducing the drug supply.


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