My daughter claims that TB Joshua sexualized women, indoctrinated his followers, and assaulted me

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A woman named Ajoke has spoken out about the physical abuse she endured at the hands of Prophet TB Joshua, the reputed father of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) founder, who passed away in 2016.

The late prophet TB Joshua was accused of sexually abusing several women in the church by Ajoke, who claimed to be the child of Joshua and another woman, in the popular BBC Africa program.

Ajoke told the BBC that when she was seven years old, she was abducted from her school in Lagos and transported to a church, where she was confined in a room with the other followers and made to feel like she belonged there.

The late prophet, she said, had brainwashed his followers to the point where they would follow his every command.

Both the followers and those who helped them were brainwashed. It was as if everyone were mindless automatons obeying orders. Not a single thing was being questioned.

“Fear was a frequent companion for my dad. He drew the line at the thought of anyone speaking out.

“My existence as a child from another mother undermined everything he claimed to stand for,” Ajoke said, describing how her abusive father repeatedly abused her in church.

She stated that she was compelled to wear a sign reading “I am a bedwetter” around her neck and was punished for the crime when she was seven years old.

It became too much for me. That very day, I strolled right into his office. “Why are you doing this?” I said out loud. Who are you to cause these women pain?

I no longer felt any dread toward this man. “I was staring into his eyes, but he tried to stare me down,” she added.

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